There’s nothing better than a lush, green lawn in the heat of summer. Wiggling your bare toes in that luscious grass somehow makes you feel so much cooler! But do you know how to get the best out of your lawn during the hot summer months?
If not, don’t worry because we do. We’ve compiled some of the best summer lawn care tips for you to keep your lawn looking healthy and lush.
Summer Lawn Care Tips
1. Adjust Your Mowing Height
In summer you want to adjust your mowing height a little higher so your grass is a little taller than usual. The taller grass will shade the soil, reducing evaporation while allowing your grass roots to go deeper into the soil. Taller grass prevents weed seeds from germinating, which means less weeds in your lawn.
Also, be sure to never cut off more than the top one-third of the leaf surface of your grass, Yes, this may mean you’ll have to mow more frequently, but the added effort will be more than worth it.
2. Water Correctly
When you water your lawn, make sure that you water the soil deeply and less often. This process encourages deep root growth as the grass roots will go deeper in search of water; deep roots mean healthier lawns.
Also, remember to water early in the day as this stops the water from evaporating before it has time to soak into the soil. Try to avoid watering at night as this can attract fungal infections in your lawn. One should check out smart-timer sprinkler.
3. Check For Lawn Grubs
Summer is the time when lawn grubs are most active so you need to check for grubs regularly. Left alone, these grubs will destroy your lawn and leave unsightly dead patches. Use an appropriate insecticide to treat your lawn and get rid of any damaging grubs.
4. Don’t Bag Your Clippings
If you’re mowing frequently enough, it’s a good idea to leave the clippings on the lawn. They will decompose quickly in the summer heat and will provide your grass with valuable nutrients.
Clippings will also help to mulch the soil which will save you having to water as often.
5. Fertilize If You Have Warm Season Grass
If you don’t know what type of grass your lawn is made of, take a sample to your local garden center and have it identified.
If it’s a warm season grass, it will need fertilizing in summer as this is its prime growing season. Choose a fertilizer high in nitrogen to encourage lush, green growth.
6. Control Weeds
Late summer is the time to apply appropriate weed control. This will kill any existing weeds and prevent new ones from germinating. Make sure that you never allow any weeds to flower and seed in your lawn as you’ll have a hard time trying to get rid of them altogether.
Ideally, you should spot weed your lawn whenever you can. A handful of weeds are much easier to pull out before they’re allowed to take hold over your entire lawn area. Use this small weed eater which is very affordable and handy.
7. Sharpen Your Mower Blades
Regularly check the sharpness of your mower blades to ensure that they are actually cutting the grass and not just tearing at it.
A clean cut is much healthier for your lawn and will avoid your grass being open to fungal infections.
8. Avoid Too Much Traffic On Your Lawn
If there are areas of your lawn that constantly receive a lot of traffic, consider installing stepping stones instead. This will minimize any damage to your lawn from constantly being trodden on.
Remember also to never park any vehicles on your lawn areas as this will cause damage to the grass as well.
9. Clean Up After Your Dog
Dog droppings and urine can damage lawn areas and cause unsightly brown patches. Make sure you clean up after your dog regularly to keep the lawn clean. If you notice some patches of dying grass, flush the area with water in order to dilute the urine.
If you can, create an area away from the lawn and teach your dog to use this instead.
In case you have white grass problems, see these solutions how to clean up.
10. Remove Fallen Leaves And Twigs From Your Lawn
As summer nears its end, you’ll notice that the leaves are starting to fall. Make sure you rake them up frequently so that they don’t remain on the lawn throughout autumn and winter. Decomposing leaves can attract fungus growth which can damage your lawn and leave unsightly dead patches.
Now that you have our list of the top summer lawn care tips, there’s nothing to stop you from having the best lawn in your street. Follow these tips and you’ll be rewarded with a lovely lush, green lawn all summer long.