If you own chickens or plan to then a sturdy, safe chicken coop is in order. And sure, you could buy one, but chances are it won’t fit your needs. It may be too small, uncovered, or, more than likely, too expensive. Which is why you should build one of your own.
Homemade coops are relatively easy to put together and cost a lot less; plus, you can customize them just the way you, I mean your chickens, need. To help you out, here’s a list of DIY Chicken Coops for every style and budget. No need to thank me, just send me some fresh eggs!
Cozy DIY Chicken Coops Looking Daring in Your Backyard
1. For the Birds
This coop from Steamy Kitchen is deceptively easy to put together and is the cream of the crop when it comes to DIY chicken shelters. I love the separate nesting/grazing areas.
2. Cozy Coop
If you have limited space and only a chicken or 2 then this cute and simple coop from blessthismessplease is the way to go. You can use wood you already have, allowing you to throw it together in minutes.
3. Chickens on the Go
If you need to move your coop at times due to flooding or bad weather a portable one like this drawing from pvcplans is great. The metal is durable yet light, so it’s easy to move around your yard or farm.
4. Home Sweet Home
Build a “house,” complete with a window and siding using these instructions from treehugger. Collect some soda cans to create the shingles and use lumber you have on hand for a budget-friendly home for your chicks.
5. City Slickers
Stylish and modern, this project from Backyard Chickens looks great and has the added bonus of taking up minimal space. For city dwellers with small side yards, this is a great way to keep a few chicks and bring the farm to the concrete jungle.
6. Barn Bliss
Also from Backyard Chickens, this coop can house around 30 chickens comfortably, so if you have a lot of feathered friends or want to get more, this is the way to go. The barn facade adds a nice rustic touch.
7. Beginner’s Masterpiece
Those new to DIY will have no problem building this spacious coop from My Outdoor Plans. It can be put together in under a day and can house a few chickens; no nesting boxes, but you can always add them if you want to near the coop.
8. Country Living
This shed from Ana White is an ingenious way to house your chicks and looks great in any outdoor space. You can build levels inside if you want to house more birds and add nesting boxes or poop planks underneath the perches for 1-2-3 clean-up.
9. Tractor Trailer
Make your coop portable and cool with this tractor-style design by the Kerr Center. It’s great to move your coop because they can fertilize your lawn or garden; it also prevents your grass from becoming too worn in any one space.
10. Sunroom Sensation
Give your birds a safe place to roam and a comfy place away from predators with this project by Home Garden Design Plans. The perch is high so they are safe from wild animals and the enclosed run lets them get fresh air without you having to keep an eye on them.
11. Eco-Friendly Food Source
Build a home for your chicks and their food with these simple instructions from Bob Vila. It’s small, so it works in a front or medium-sized backyard and the top can be used to grow food for your birds can feast on.
12. Poop a Scoop, I mean Coop
Clever and kitschy, your chick will love this coop, which has individual nesting areas made from toilet seats. Creative Spotting has all the directions, which are simple to follow. And when you want to keep out bad weather you can just close the lids!
13. Small But Mighty
Small + Friendly has instructions for a coop that’s, well, small but friendly for your chickens. There is a nice sized-area for them to run, plus perches and nesting boxes in an elevated area, so your chicks will be warm and ready to make some eggs year-round.
14. Playing Around
Use what you already have by taking your kids old playhouse and converting it into a home for your birds. Little Things shows you just how to do it, adding an enclosed run to meet all your chick’s needs. It is cute and useful, recycling materials and sparing some trees.
15. Condo Living
Ideal for a few chicks, this condo coop as I like to call it from Backyard Chickens is a great investment. It is sturdy, has great ventilation and is guaranteed to last you for years. So, as long as you don’t plan on adding more chicks you’re good to go.
16. Cock-a-Doodle-Do It!
Fresh Eggs Daily put together this creative coop that looks like a tunnel and I give it bonus points for its unique shape. I like that the run turns seamlessly into the nesting/perch area, so your chicks can roam from one area to the ther with ease. And it can hold around 10 birds.
17. Simply Irresistible
Home Depot has a 1-2-3 coop that is simple but effective. This coop works best in an area that is already enclosed so you don’t have to worry about them going in and out and running around and you can have fun with it by painting it bright, eye-catching colors.
Did you enjoy my list DIY chicken coops? As you can see they are easy to build and look great. So, share your finished pics with us and share this article with your family and friends so they can build too.